Educate and Inspire Your Audience
Pat is on a mission to help women entrepreneurs make a greater impact in the world through their businesses. Through her speaking engagements, she has touched and empowered female entrepreneurs around the country to expand their abundance, success, and creativity.
• Elevate Your Attention to Transform Your Business
Most of us live on autopilot. Life is living us - we’re not living life. In this session you will discover to live wide-eyed through attention.
• The Road to Success Was Paved with Good Intentions
Your road to success starts with conscious choices and actions. Discover a surprisingly easy technique to focus on what really matters in your business.
• Get Out of Your Own Way by D.E.S.I.G.N.
Discover an easy, six-step formula to create the business and life you desire.
Women's Entrepreneurship
Pat serves her clients through Majestic Coaching Group, her business and leadership development company. She provides intensive training and mentoring to seasoned CEOs who want to up-level their capabilities and possibilities. Her programs include You 2.0 Action Plan, Majestic Leadership Lab and Soulidify Your Business. Pat recently authored Katherine’s Quest: One Woman’s Journey to Elation.
She augments her business savvy with ongoing education and has earned certifications in professional coaching, project management, and personal development tools such as Clifton Strengths Finder, Human Design, and Reiki. Her extensive background gives entrepreneurs the tools and guidance to transform their businesses and the quality of their lives in a way that aligns with their truth.
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